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Our professor loved Romans!

What does it mean to be “Roman”? It could be many things: cruel,
strong, patriotic, practical, or disciplined? But for the sake of
this article, let’s think about their major character trait:
organization. Before the Romans, there were no nations who
systematically conquered and subdued so many others and then built
roads from each province to Rome in order to keep tabs on their
conquests. Yes, Alexander the Great conquered many lands, but he did
not organize his conquests to the same degree. (Of course he died in
his early 30’s; maybe he didn’t have time!) When you see a child
playing with his blocks, stacking them ever so neatly, you might
say, “How very Roman of him!”

How can we be more like the Romans? Does it seem like at the end of
your day you have still a long list of unfinished projects? THAT is
the time to make your list for tomorrow. Efficiency experts have
found that we are really aware in the evenings of things we have not
had time to do during that day. In the mornings we often are a
little fuzzy (well, I am at least!) and it is so helpful to wake up
to a list already made for that day. So, as you wind down each day,
take a few minutes and scribble down your top 6-10 items for tomorrow
on a yellow post-it. You will have more success in becoming
organized, and when someone compliments you, you can say, “I am
becoming more Roman!”